Highlights of the Hatchett family annual Fall Family Apple Picking Event!
"There is nothing like apple picking in the Fall." - TLH
Every Fall for the past 5 years, our family plans and participates in an apple picking event. We choose different farms and orchards every year. This year, we did a couple of things differently. First, we extended the invitation to more of our family that live in the area to participate. Second, we waited a little later in the season to pick apples (due to weather conditions) so we had few options, but there were still plenty of apples to choose from such as Empire (which are great for baking), Liberty and McIntosh.
We found a new farm for this year's event that is located in Enfield, Connecticut - Easy Pickin's Orchard.

Easy Pickin's not only has apples for the picking, but berries, pears, veggies, herbs and flowers too.

Due to the timing, we were only able to pick apples and some vegetables including the beautiful purple kale and swiss chard, which was absolutely delicious!
Apple Themed Dessert Contest!
With the apples that we pick, we always have a contest that is based on the 'best-looking' dessert. The family has two-weeks to submit their entries for judging. These are this year's submissions ... Apple Crisp (diabetic), Cinnamon Apple Pie Bread, Apple Nachos, Apple Upside Down Cake, Caramel Apple Pops. All were delicious, but there can only be one winner ... THE APPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE WAS DEEMED THE WINNER based Facebook judging. Diabetic Apple Crisp

Cinnamon Apple Pie Bread

Apple Nachos Apple Upside Down Cake

Caramel Apple Pops

Perfect Fall Day ...
It was the perfect sunny fall day, a bit chilly, but great for picking apples! The family and I had a ball.

We'd love for you to leave a comment regarding the apple themed desserts and subscribe to the blog to retrieve the recipe for some of the desserts that were part of the contest!