We kicked off the long holiday weekend by having a family movie night at home. Movie of choice was Top Gun Maverick and man, was it good! We all agree that they did a great job tying the story together with the original. Great sequel and worth watching. Of course, you can't have a movie night without food and drinks, so we had nachos and cocktails on deck. As I continue to watch my diet, I made a healthier version that included chicken, spinach, black beans, black olives and jalapenos (see full recipe in the Recipe tab on the blog).

And for the kids, I made a vegetarian version which was everything except the chicken.

The cocktail of choice was Jose Cuervo (Light) with a shot of Reposado 1800 tequila ... DELICIOUS!

Needless to say, it was a great movie night, with great company and great food ...
From our family to yours, have a wonderful and safe holiday weekend!